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时间:2017-12-08 10:56  来源:  阅读次数: 复制分享 我要评论


Major Snow is one of the 24 solar terms (Each solar term takes 15 days) in Chinese Lunar calendar. For more about 24 solar terms:


Major Snow, the 21st solar term, refers to the time when the sun moves to celestial longitude 255°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around 7 December and ends around 21 December. During Major Snow, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground.The temperature drops significantly. About the snow, a proverb goes, "A timely snow promises a good harvest". As the snow covers the ground, pests living through the winter will be killed by the low temperature.



The three pentads(five-day) of Major Snow

(Pentad refers to five-day as a time unit in observing climatological and phenological change in ancient China,which is known as “Waiting for Qi and observing natural phenomenons”)

Pentad 1: Major Snow begins and the jie-bird ceases to crow.

Pentad 2: Tigers begin to mate.

Pentad 3: Li ting ( a kind of Chinese Hemp Agrimony) starts to sprout.


Health Preservation


Preventing respiratory illness


People during this period pay attention to the outbreak of respiratory illness, which can be prevented by wearing a warm scarf to protect the neck . During Major Snow, it is drier and colder, so people should drink more water. But one should not drink too much water at once. At the same time, don't drink cold water after exercise.



Major Snow is a great time for tonic and there goes a saying that he who takes tonics in winter is strong enough to fight a tiger in spring. Taking tonics in winter improves immune function and metabolism so as to alleviate one’s fear of cold.







【木耳冬瓜三鲜汤 】木耳具有滋补、润燥、养血益胃、活血止血、润肺、润肠的作用。木耳冬瓜三鲜汤最适宜精血亏虚,产后虚嬴,阳痿遗精,虚弱劳怯,久病体虚,衰老瘦弱者。


配料: 冬瓜150克,水发木耳150克,海米15克,鸡蛋1个,食盐、水淀粉、味精、麻油适量。

做法: 冬瓜去皮洗净切片。木耳、海米洗净备用。鸡蛋打匀摊成蛋皮切宽片备用。 锅内加鲜汤上火烧开,下海米、木耳煮沸5分钟,再将冬瓜放入,开锅后撒入食盐、淀粉,起锅前倒入蛋皮,淋上麻油几成。



